
The Construction Management Software

The model-based assistance system brings data to site managers and foremen in an intuitive way so that the site team is supported by the construction software in their daily work. The result: the simple weekly planning in specter prevents errors and delays in construction. Projects are completed weeks earlier with specter's construction software.

Zwei Personen bedienen am PC die intuitive Bausoftware für Bauleiter und Polier. Im Hintergrund ist ein Baucontainer zu sehen.
Build the future


Das 3D-Modell der Bausoftware wird animiert und mit farblichen Highlights auf einem Bildschirm dargestellt. Der digitale Terminplan in der Bausoftware wird am PC bunt dargestellt. Der digitale Wochenplan für Bauleiter und Polier wird mit verschiedenen Farben und 3D-Modell  in der Bausoftware dargestellt.

3D model

Our in-house developed viewer is tailor-made for the requirements of any construction site: high performance and extremely easy to use. The construction process simulation helps identify potential problems and find solutions before they occur.


We build on your already existing data and integrate it automatically into the BIM software. Whether construction schedule, LEAN schedule or contract schedule - schedules become intuitively usable with specter on the construction site, so that milestones and final deadlines are not lost from view.

weekly schedule

Sie arbeiten mit Tabellen, Post-Its oder Stift und Papier? Keine Sorge, specters Aufgabenplanung für die Baustelle passt sich jeder Arbeitsweise an. Alle in specter geplanten Aufgaben können so visualisiert werden, wie es zu der Arbeitsweise Ihres Baustellenteams am besten passt.

Die Bausoftware findet Anwendung auf dem Tablet auf einer Baustelle von Polier und Bauleiter in Warnweste. Im Hintergrund ist die Baustelle zu erkennen.

The core process

Together with foremen and site managers, we have developed a core process within our BIM software over the last few years that allows data-driven control of construction sites within minutes. The best part is: it is so intuitive that no traditional training is required.

Our promise to you: after the free demo, your construction site team will never want to coordinate a construction site without specter. Even more so when they see the time saved by our automations.

core elements software

3D model
Weekly planning

Select the section or components to be built via the schedule.

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The components to be planned are automatically displayed in the 3D model.

Play now

Select the components individually or in bundles via the 3D model.

Play now

Drag and drop work steps including time, cost and material data to weekdays.

Play now

Check off status of planned tasks or document delays.

Play now

Find out the status of the construction site via automatic target/actual comparison in the schedule.

Play now
Die Bausoftware wird im Baucontainer auf zwei Bildschirmen gezeigt und von dem Polier angewandt.

Customer testemonials

Discover how our customers use Specter software to improve their day-to-day work - a look behind the scenes of successful projects. Find out more on our reference pages.

  • scheduled tasks


    scheduled tasks in specter

  • time savings


    time savings

  • Software


    Construction software

  • What our customers say

    "specter is not just a tool, it is a bridge to the next generation of construction management, where technology enables us to do more with less.

    Yamashita-san, DX-Assistent at Kajima

  • What our customers say

    »With specter, we bring the 3D models that are created in the office directly to the construction site. This has brought us a big step forward, making it easy for project stakeholders to access relevant information on the construction site.«

    Gerd Kremer - Site manager at Nesseler Bau GmbH

    Bauleiter von der Firma Nesseler mit Warnweste auf der Baustelle mit Bausoftware von specter automation.
  • What our customers say

    »For instance, complex foundation heights cannot be represented at all with visualizations and plans alone. With the 3D model, it is easier to visualize and to work with as well.«

    Moritz Rohrbach - Site Manager at MBN GmbH

    Bauleiter der Firma MBN in Sicherheitsausrüstung auf der Baustelle mit der Bausoftware. Die Baustelle im Hintergrund ist gut erkennbar und befindet sich im Rohbau.
  • What our customers say

    »The weekly plan from specter makes it much easier for me to plan the coming days or even three to four weeks in advance. Where am I today, how far will I get with my team and material and where will we be in two weeks - all available at the click of a button. Retrieving information by clicking on a component is easier for me and for my contractors as well.«

    Waldemar Becker - Foreman at Nesseler Bau GmbH

    Polier der Firma Nesseler in Sicherheitsausrüstung auf der Baustelle mit der Bausoftware von specter automation. Im Hintergrund sind Baustelle und Häuser zu erkennen, die Sonne scheint.
  • What our customers say

    »Once all the appointments have been entered, we go straight to the construction site. Everyone knows what they have to do, where and at what point in time. Even details such as supports in walls, which are not immediately visible.«

    Oliver Mangelsdorf – Foreman at MBN GmbH

    Polier der Firma MBN in Sicherheitsausrüstung auf der Baustelle mit der Bausoftware. Er steht mit dem Rücken zur offenen Fläche und der Rohbau seiner Baustelle ist erkennbar.
  • What our customers say

    »You create data once, then reuse it and enrich it intelligently - in the end, to get an as-built model fed with data that you can hand over to the builders. With tools like specter, we are well on track to bringing BIM to construction sites.«

    Nico Schlun - Head of Digitalization & Processes Lambert Schlun GmbH

    Bauleiter und Digitalisierungsmanager der Baufirma Schlun in Sicherheitsausrüstung auf der Baustelle mit der Bausoftware von specter automation. Er steht erhöht und im Hintergrund sind Kräne zu sehen.
  • What our customers say

    »In the traditional way, I learned from the construction managers that you mark on the floor plans what has actually been completed. With specter, we have a good solution that does this digitally and even identifies construction delays before they occur.«

    Marius Völker - Site manager at MBN GmbH

    Bauleiter in Sicherheitsausrüstung auf der Baustelle mit der Bausoftware. Er arbeitet im Hochbau für das Bauunternehmen MBN.

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